February 11, 2024

The Role of AI Chatbots in Transforming Customer Support

Blog / The Role of AI Chatbots in Transforming Customer Support

In today's digital age, where instant gratification is often expected, the importance of quick, efficient, and accessible customer support cannot be overstated. AI chatbots have emerged as a revolutionary tool in this domain, transforming the way businesses interact with their customers. By automating responses to common inquiries, AI chatbots reduce wait times, streamline customer service operations, and free up human agents to focus on more complex issues. This evolution in customer support not only enhances the customer experience but also significantly boosts operational efficiency.

Introduction to Zenbots and Its Integration with Zendesk

Among the plethora of AI chatbot solutions, Zenbots stands out as a dedicated Zendesk Support AI chatbot designed to turbocharge customer support operations. Zenbots leverages the power of AI to access all of your Zendesk support articles, providing an AI-driven solution that speeds up operations, assists agents, and empowers customers to solve problems independently. The seamless integration of Zenbots with Zendesk transforms the customer support landscape by making it more responsive, personalized, and efficient.

Zenbots installation is a breeze. By installing the Zenbots app on Zendesk and waiting for the training process to complete—which is ready in under 24 hours—a stark contrast to the lengthy setup times of custom solutions, businesses can significantly enhance their customer support capabilities. This immediate readiness allows Zenbots to quickly start responding to customer queries by accessing a vast database of support articles, making it an invaluable tool for businesses looking to improve their customer service operations.

As we delve deeper into the capabilities and benefits of Zenbots, this article will explore how businesses can harness the power of AI chatbots to revolutionize their customer support, ensuring that they not only meet but exceed the evolving expectations of their customers. Through seamless integration, personalized interactions, and continuous learning, Zenbots exemplifies the future of customer support, making it an essential component of any forward-thinking business strategy.

Understanding Zenbots: The AI Chatbot for Zendesk

What Makes Zenbots Unique

Zenbots is not just another AI chatbot; it's a specialized solution designed to work seamlessly with Zendesk, one of the leading customer service and engagement platforms. What sets Zenbots apart is its deep integration with Zendesk's ecosystem, enabling it to access and utilize Zendesk support articles directly. This capability ensures that the information provided to customers through the chatbot is not only accurate but also up-to-date, reflecting the latest insights and data available in your Zendesk repository.

Moreover, Zenbots is designed with speed and efficiency in mind. Unlike custom solutions that may require extensive development and training time, Zenbots can be ready to deploy in under 24 hours. This rapid deployment capability ensures that businesses can quickly enhance their customer support without the usual delays associated with deploying new technology.

How Zenbots Enhances Zendesk Support

Zenbots enhances Zendesk support by providing a first line of interaction that can handle a vast array of customer queries without human intervention. This capability is particularly beneficial for handling frequently asked questions, account inquiries, and basic troubleshooting tasks. By automating these interactions, Zenbots not only improves the speed of customer support but also allows human agents to focus on more complex or sensitive issues, thereby increasing overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Additionally, Zenbots' AI-driven approach means that it learns from every interaction. Over time, it becomes more adept at understanding and responding to customer needs, even as those needs evolve. This continuous learning process ensures that the support provided through Zenbots remains relevant and helpful, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Another significant benefit of Zenbots is its ability to operate 24/7. Unlike human agents, Zenbots does not require breaks or sleep, meaning that it can provide consistent support at any time of day or night. This round-the-clock availability ensures that customers can receive immediate assistance whenever they need it, significantly enhancing the customer experience.

Leveraging Zendesk Articles for Enhanced Support

By accessing Zendesk support articles, Zenbots ensures that the information it provides to customers is not only consistent with your company's official documentation but also leverages the wealth of knowledge your team has built up. This integration means that customers receive support that's both accurate and reflective of your brand's voice and policies, further reinforcing your brand's credibility and reliability.

Identifying Your Business's Customer Support Needs

Before integrating any new technology, it's crucial to assess your current customer support framework to identify areas for improvement and opportunities to enhance service delivery. This chapter will guide you through evaluating your customer support needs and determining how Zenbots can play a pivotal role in fulfilling those needs.

Evaluating Your Current Customer Support Framework

  1. Assess Current Capabilities: Begin by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your current customer support operations. Identify which areas are performing well and which areas could benefit from automation or enhanced support.
  2. Identify Common Customer Queries: Analyze the most frequent customer queries and issues. Understanding these common inquiries will help you recognize how Zenbots can automate responses and provide quick solutions.
  3. Determine Support Volume and Peak Times: Assess the volume of support requests and identify peak times. This information is crucial for planning how Zenbots can assist in managing workload and improving response times.
  4. Evaluate Customer Satisfaction: Use customer feedback and satisfaction surveys to understand how well your current support meets customer needs. This insight can highlight areas where Zenbots can contribute to improved satisfaction.

How Zenbots Can Meet and Exceed These Needs

  1. Automating Routine Inquiries: Zenbots can handle a wide range of routine customer inquiries automatically, from FAQs to account-related questions, freeing up human agents to tackle more complex issues.
  2. Enhancing Response Times: With Zenbots, businesses can significantly improve response times, ensuring customers receive prompt answers to their queries, regardless of support volume or peak times.
  3. Providing 24/7 Support: Zenbots' ability to operate around the clock means that customers can get support anytime, enhancing the overall customer experience and satisfaction.
  4. Learning and Adapting: Zenbots continuously learns from interactions, meaning it can adapt to changing customer needs and improve its responses over time, ensuring the support it provides remains relevant and helpful.
  5. Leveraging Zendesk Articles for Accurate Information: By integrating with Zendesk, Zenbots uses your existing support articles to provide accurate and consistent answers, reinforcing your brand's credibility and trustworthiness.
  6. Scalability: As your business grows, Zenbots can easily scale to handle an increasing volume of inquiries without the need for proportional increases in human support staff, ensuring cost-effective scalability.

By carefully evaluating your business's customer support needs and understanding how Zenbots can meet these needs, you can create a more efficient, responsive, and customer-friendly support operation.

Seamless Integration of Zenbots with Zendesk

Integrating Zenbots with Zendesk is a straightforward process designed to bring AI-powered efficiency to your customer support system quickly. This chapter guides you through the steps to integrate Zenbots with Zendesk and highlights the transformative benefits of this integration.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Zenbots on Zendesk

  1. Install the Zenbots App: Begin by locating Zenbots in the Zendesk Marketplace and installing the application to your Zendesk account. This process is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, requiring just a few clicks.
  2. Training Process: After installation Zenbots undergoes a rapid training phase, typically completed within 24 hours. During this time, it learns from your existing Zendesk articles, ensuring that it can provide accurate and relevant responses based on your unique knowledge base.
  3. Ask questions: That is it! You are ready to go. Just open the sidebar and ask questions.

Understanding the Training Process and Its Benefits

The training phase is crucial for enabling Zenbots to deliver high-quality, informed responses from day one. By analyzing your Zendesk support articles, Zenbots becomes equipped to handle a wide array of customer queries, leveraging the depth and breadth of your existing support content. This preparation ensures that Zenbots can start contributing to your customer support efforts immediately, with minimal need for ongoing supervision.

Benefits of Zenbots and Zendesk Integration

  1. Enhanced Customer Support Efficiency: Zenbots can handle multiple inquiries simultaneously, reducing wait times and increasing overall support capacity.
  2. 24/7 Availability: With Zenbots, your customer support operates around the clock, ensuring customers have access to assistance whenever they need it, even outside of regular business hours.
  3. Consistent and Accurate Responses: By leveraging your Zendesk articles, Zenbots provides responses that are both consistent with your brand's voice and policies and accurate, enhancing customer trust and satisfaction.
  4. Scalable Support Solution: As your business grows, Zenbots easily scales to accommodate increased support volumes without necessitating a proportionate increase in human support staff.
  5. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Zenbots learns from every interaction, meaning it continually improves its ability to respond effectively to customer queries.

Integrating Zenbots with Zendesk transforms your customer support from a potential bottleneck into a streamlined, efficient operation that enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. By following these steps, you can unlock the full potential of AI-powered customer support, ensuring your business remains at the forefront of customer service excellence.

Designing Effective Conversational Flows for Zendesk

Creating effective conversational flows is critical to maximizing the efficiency and impact of Zenbots within your Zendesk support environment. This chapter provides insights into crafting conversations that not only resolve customer queries but also deliver a seamless and satisfying user experience.

Leveraging Zendesk Articles for Chatbot Knowledge

  1. Integration with Your Knowledge Base: Zenbots integrates directly with your Zendesk articles, pulling in a wealth of information to answer customer inquiries. This ensures that responses are not just accurate but also aligned with your existing support content.
  2. Customizing Responses for Consistency: By using your Zendesk articles as a foundation, Zenbots will try to maintain the tone and style of your brand. This consistency reinforces your brand identity and builds trust with your customers.

Best Practices for Creating Engaging Conversational Experiences

  1. Define Clear Pathways: Map out the customer journey for common queries, ensuring Zenbots guides users to the right solution efficiently. Structuring these pathways reduces frustration and enhances the overall support experience.
  2. Use Natural Language Processing (NLP): Zenbots employs NLP to understand and interpret customer queries accurately. Design your conversational flows to leverage NLP effectively, allowing Zenbots to handle a wide range of inquiries with understanding and nuance.
  3. Incorporate Feedback Loops: Include options for customers to provide feedback on their experience directly within the chatbot conversation. This feedback is invaluable for refining conversational flows and improving response accuracy.
  4. Prepare for Escalation: While Zenbots can handle many inquiries autonomously, some situations require human intervention. Design your conversational flows to identify these scenarios and smoothly transition the customer to a human agent when necessary.
  5. Continuously Optimize Conversational Flows: Use analytics and customer feedback to identify areas for improvement. Regular updates to your conversational flows can enhance effectiveness and customer satisfaction.

Engaging Customers with Personalized Interactions

Personalization is key to engaging and satisfying customer interactions. Zenbots can tailor conversations based on customer data, previous interactions, and context derived from the current conversation. Implementing personalization strategies, such as addressing customers by name or referencing their history with your company, can significantly enhance the customer experience.

Customizing Zenbots to Reflect Your Brand

Ensuring that Zenbots (Embed anywhere) aligns with your brand identity is crucial for maintaining a cohesive and professional customer experience. This chapter discusses the customization options available for Zenbots and how to leverage these features to create a chatbot that not only supports but also enhances your brand.

Personalization Features of Zenbots

  1. Visual Customization: Zenbots allows for visual customization to match your brand's aesthetic, including logo integration, color schemes, and font choices. This visual alignment ensures that the chatbot feels like a seamless extension of your brand's digital presence.
  2. Tone and Voice Consistency: Beyond visual elements, the tone and voice used by Zenbots can be tailored to reflect your brand's communication style. Whether your brand voice is formal, friendly, or somewhere in between, Zenbots can be adjusted to communicate in a way that resonates with your audience.

Ensuring a Consistent Brand Experience Across Platforms

  1. Unified Messaging: Ensure that Zenbots delivers messages that are consistent with those on your other platforms, including your website, social media, and email communications. This consistency reinforces brand identity and builds customer trust.
  2. Integration with Marketing Campaigns: Zenbots can be customized to support current marketing campaigns by incorporating promotional messages or special offers into its conversations. This integration helps to create a cohesive marketing strategy that spans across all customer interactions.
  3. Feedback Collection for Brand Insights: Use Zenbots to gather customer feedback on your products or services. This information can be invaluable for brand development and for tailoring your offerings to meet customer needs more effectively.

Leveraging Zendesk Articles for Brand-Relevant Responses

By utilizing Zendesk articles, Zenbots ensures that all provided information is not only accurate but also aligned with your brand's messaging. Customizing the selection of articles used by Zenbots allows you to control the information shared, ensuring relevance and adherence to brand standards.

Best Practices for Brand Customization

  1. Consistent Updates: Regularly update the customization settings of Zenbots to reflect any changes in your brand's visual identity or communication strategy. This includes updating the chatbot in response to rebranding efforts or shifts in marketing campaigns.
  2. User Experience (UX) Design: Work with UX designers to ensure that the chatbot interface is intuitive and user-friendly. A well-designed chatbot interface enhances the overall customer experience and supports brand perception.
  3. Continuous Testing: Continually test the chatbot's performance and customer interactions to ensure that the customization remains effective and engaging. Use customer feedback and interaction data to refine the chatbot's design and functionality.

Testing and Optimizing Your Zenbots Experience

After integrating Zenbots into your Zendesk support framework and customizing it to reflect your brand, the next crucial step is testing and optimization. This ongoing process ensures that Zenbots not only meets but exceeds customer support expectations, providing valuable and efficient service around the clock.

Strategies for Ensuring Your Chatbot Meets Customer Needs

  1. Initial Testing: Before going live, conduct thorough testing of Zenbots in a controlled environment. This includes testing for understanding of customer queries, accuracy of responses, and the chatbot's ability to handle unexpected questions.
  2. Beta Testing: Consider deploying Zenbots to a limited audience to gather real-world feedback. Beta testing can reveal insights into the chatbot's performance in live interactions and areas that may require adjustments.
  3. Use of Analytics: Implement analytics to track the chatbot's interaction metrics, such as response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction scores. These metrics are invaluable for identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Using Feedback to Continuously Improve Zenbots Performance

  1. Customer Feedback Collection: Incorporate mechanisms within Zenbots conversations to collect direct feedback from users. This can include simple satisfaction surveys or open-ended questions about their experience.
  2. Agent Feedback: Gather insights from your customer support team on the chatbot's performance. Agents can provide valuable perspectives on how Zenbots handles complex queries and areas where it might need further training.
  3. Iterative Improvements: Use the feedback and analytics data to make iterative improvements to Zenbots. This includes refining conversational flows, expanding the knowledge base, and enhancing understanding of customer queries.

Best Practices for Chatbot Optimization

  1. Regular Review Sessions: Schedule regular reviews of Zenbots' performance data and feedback to prioritize updates and improvements.
  2. Personalization and Contextualization: Continuously work on enhancing the chatbot's ability to provide personalized and context-aware responses. This can significantly improve customer satisfaction and engagement.
  3. Training for Complex Queries: Leverage instances where Zenbots escalates queries to human agents as learning opportunities. Use these interactions to train Zenbots on handling similar queries in the future.
  4. Integration Updates: Keep Zenbots and its Zendesk integration updated with the latest features and improvements. Staying current ensures that you're leveraging the best tools available for your customer support.

Training Zenbots for Advanced Customer Support Tasks

Elevating Zenbots to handle advanced customer support tasks involves a combination of continuous learning, leveraging customer data, and integrating with Zendesk’s powerful features. This chapter details how to train and refine Zenbots to improve its understanding, response accuracy, and overall customer support capabilities.

Enhancing Zenbots' Learning with Customer Interactions

  1. Feedback-Driven Learning: Utilize customer feedback on Zenbots’ responses as a direct input for training, allowing the AI to learn from its mistakes and refine its understanding of customer queries.
  2. Analyzing Escalated Cases: Review interactions that require escalation to human agents to identify patterns or topics that Zenbots struggles with. Use these insights to focus training efforts on these specific areas.
  3. Utilizing Conversation Logs: Analyze logs of customer conversations to identify gaps in Zenbots’ knowledge or understanding. Incorporate findings into the training material to expand Zenbots' capabilities.

Leveraging Zendesk Articles for Continuous Learning

  1. Regular Updates to Knowledge Base: Keep Zenbots’ training materials current with regular updates from your Zendesk articles. As your product or service offerings evolve, so too should the information Zenbots relies on.
  2. Incorporating New Product Information: Train Zenbots on new products or services before launch, ensuring it can support customer inquiries from day one.
  3. Custom Training Sessions: Create targeted training sessions for Zenbots based on upcoming promotions, seasonal changes, or known support challenges to prepare it for specific customer queries.

Advanced Techniques for Personalized Support

  1. Utilizing Customer Data for Personalization: Integrate Zenbots with your CRM system to use customer data for personalized interactions, such as using the customer’s name or referencing their purchase history.
  2. Context-Aware Responses: Train Zenbots to consider the context of a customer’s inquiry, improving its ability to provide relevant and effective solutions.
  3. Predictive Support: Implement machine learning algorithms that enable Zenbots to predict customer needs based on their current inquiry and historical data, offering proactive support suggestions.

Best Practices for Training Zenbots

  1. Iterative Training Approach: Adopt an iterative approach to training Zenbots, where each cycle of feedback and analysis leads to targeted improvements.
  2. Cross-Departmental Collaboration: Engage experts from various departments (e.g., product development, sales, customer service) in the knowledge building process to ensure comprehensive coverage of topics.
  3. Monitoring Performance Metrics: Keep a close eye on performance metrics such as resolution rate, customer satisfaction scores, and average handling time to measure the impact of training efforts.
  4. Continuous Improvement Culture: Foster a culture of continuous improvement within your customer support team, encouraging the sharing of insights and suggestions for enhancing Zenbots’ capabilities.

Evaluating the Impact of Zenbots on Your Customer Support

Implementing Zenbots as part of your customer support strategy is a significant step towards automation and personalization. However, measuring the impact of this integration is crucial for understanding its value to your business. This chapter explores key metrics and methodologies for assessing the effectiveness of Zenbots in enhancing customer support operations.

Assessing Improvements in Efficiency

  1. Response Time Reduction: Measure the average time it takes for customers to receive responses before and after implementing Zenbots. A reduction in response time is a clear indicator of improved efficiency.
  2. Handling Capacity: Evaluate how the number of customer inquiries handled per unit of time changes with Zenbots. Increased handling capacity without sacrificing quality indicates enhanced efficiency.
  3. Automation Rate: Calculate the percentage of inquiries fully resolved by Zenbots without human intervention. A higher automation rate suggests Zenbots is effectively reducing the workload on your support team.

Evaluating Customer Satisfaction

  1. Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSS): Implement post-interaction surveys to gauge customer satisfaction with Zenbots-supported conversations. Compare these scores to those from pre-implementation to assess impact.
  2. Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measure changes in your NPS to understand how the introduction of Zenbots affects customers' likelihood to recommend your service.
  3. Customer Feedback Analysis: Collect and analyze qualitative feedback from customers regarding their experiences with Zenbots. This can provide insights into areas where Zenbots excels and where it may need improvement.

Analyzing the Return on Investment (ROI)

  1. Cost Savings: Quantify savings from reduced need for human agents and compare this to the cost of implementing and maintaining Zenbots. Consider both direct costs (e.g., subscription fees) and indirect costs (e.g., training).
  2. Revenue Impact: Assess any changes in revenue that can be attributed to the implementation of Zenbots, such as increased conversion rates from improved customer support or enhanced upselling capabilities.
  3. Operational Impact: Consider the broader operational impacts of Zenbots, such as freed-up human resources for other tasks, improved data collection on customer needs, and the potential for scalability.

Best Practices for Continuous Impact Evaluation

  1. Regular Reporting: Establish a routine for regular reporting on the key metrics associated with Zenbots' performance to track progress over time.
  2. Benchmarking: Set clear benchmarks based on your initial assessments to measure against as you evaluate the impact of Zenbots.
  3. Iterative Optimization: Use the insights gained from ongoing evaluation to continuously optimize Zenbots’ performance, adjusting conversational flows, training materials, and integration points as needed.

Looking Ahead: The Future of AI Chatbots in Customer Support

As we navigate the evolving landscape of customer support, the role of AI chatbots like Zenbots continues to expand and transform. This chapter examines the potential future directions for AI chatbots in customer support, highlighting emerging trends, technological advancements, and strategic considerations for businesses aiming to stay ahead.

Emerging Trends in AI Chatbots

  1. Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP): The continuous improvement in NLP technologies will enable chatbots to understand and interpret customer queries with even greater accuracy, making interactions more natural and effective.
  2. Increased Personalization Through AI: As AI technologies become more sophisticated, chatbots will offer even more personalized experiences by leveraging data analytics and machine learning to understand customer preferences and behaviors on a deeper level.
  3. Omnichannel Support Integration: AI chatbots will become seamlessly integrated across all customer support channels, providing a consistent and unified experience whether customers are engaging on social media, via email, or through web chat.

Technological Advancements

  1. Voice-Activated Chatbots: The integration of voice recognition technologies will allow customers to interact with chatbots through spoken language, expanding accessibility and convenience.
  2. Emotion Recognition: Future AI chatbots may incorporate emotion recognition capabilities, enabling them to adjust their responses based on the emotional state of the customer, further personalizing the support experience.
  3. Predictive Support: Leveraging big data and predictive analytics, AI chatbots will proactively address customer needs and offer solutions before the customer even identifies a problem, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

Preparing for the Future of AI in Customer Support

  1. Invest in AI and Data Analytics: To stay competitive, businesses should invest in the latest AI technologies and data analytics tools, ensuring they can leverage the full potential of chatbots like Zenbots.
  2. Focus on Training and Development: Continuous training and development of AI chatbots based on customer interactions and feedback will be crucial for maintaining effectiveness and relevance.
  3. Adapt to Changing Customer Expectations: As technology evolves, so do customer expectations. Businesses need to stay attuned to these changes and adapt their AI chatbot strategies accordingly to meet and exceed customer demands.
  4. Ethical Considerations and Transparency: As AI becomes more integrated into customer support, maintaining ethical standards and transparency about how customer data is used will be increasingly important for building trust.

Success Stories: Zenbots and Zendesk in Action

The integration of Zenbots with Zendesk has enabled numerous businesses to enhance their customer support operations dramatically. Through AI-powered automation and personalization, companies across various industries have seen significant improvements in efficiency, customer satisfaction, and operational insights. Here, we spotlight a few success stories that illustrate the power and potential of Zenbots and Zendesk working together.

E-Commerce Retailer: Enhancing Shopping Experience

An e-commerce retailer implemented Zenbots to manage customer inquiries related to order status, product information, and returns. By automating these common queries, the retailer was able to reduce response times from hours to minutes, significantly improving customer satisfaction. Additionally, Zenbots' integration with the company’s CRM system enabled personalized product recommendations, increasing average order value and customer loyalty.

Financial Services Firm: Streamlining Customer Queries

A financial services firm used Zenbots to handle routine customer inquiries about account balances, transaction statuses, and branch information. Zenbots’ ability to provide instant, accurate information 24/7 led to a 40% reduction in call volume to human agents, allowing them to focus on more complex customer needs. This not only improved operational efficiency but also enhanced customer trust and satisfaction with the firm’s support services.

Healthcare Provider: Improving Patient Support

A healthcare provider integrated Zenbots with their patient support system to answer common questions about appointments, treatment options, and billing. Zenbots’ round-the-clock availability and seamless access to patient information through secure Zendesk integration resulted in a more accessible and reassuring patient support experience, leading to higher patient satisfaction scores and reduced administrative burden on staff.

Technology Start-Up: Scaling Support with Growth

A rapidly growing technology start-up deployed Zenbots to manage the increasing volume of customer support inquiries without proportionally increasing their support team size. Through intelligent automation and the ability to learn from each interaction, Zenbots helped the start-up maintain high-quality support as it scaled, preserving customer satisfaction and engagement during critical growth phases.

Key Takeaways from Success Stories

  1. Efficiency and Scalability: Zenbots enables businesses to handle a larger volume of inquiries with greater efficiency, allowing them to scale support operations without compromising quality.
  2. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Instantaneous, accurate support provided by Zenbots significantly improves customer satisfaction, contributing to higher loyalty and retention rates.
  3. Operational Insights: The integration of Zenbots with Zendesk offers valuable insights into customer needs and behaviors, informing business strategies and product improvements.
  4. Personalization and Engagement: AI-driven personalization capabilities of Zenbots enhance the customer experience, driving engagement and revenue growth.

Final Thoughts

The journey towards AI-enhanced customer support is ongoing, with continuous advancements in AI, machine learning, and natural language processing technologies promising even more sophisticated capabilities for chatbots like Zenbots. As businesses look to the future, staying abreast of these developments and being prepared to integrate new functionalities will be key to maintaining a competitive edge in customer support.

The evolution of customer expectations means that the bar for quality support is constantly being raised. Businesses that embrace AI chatbots and invest in their development and integration will not only meet these rising expectations but exceed them, fostering stronger relationships with their customers and driving sustainable growth.

Next Steps

For businesses inspired to embark on this journey, the next steps involve assessing current customer support needs, selecting the right AI chatbot platform, and beginning the process of integration and continuous improvement. The path to implementing an AI chatbot like Zenbots involves careful planning, but the potential rewards in enhanced customer satisfaction and operational efficiency are immense.


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Mateusz Drozd
AI Solutions Architect